Grease Fire Safety

Evacuate the kitchen and call 911 Only if it can be done safely, turn off the heat source (i.e. the burner) if possible Only if it can be done safely, cover the fire. Keep a pan lid handy when cooking with oil or grease and slide it over the pan to cut off the oxygen. If a pan lid isn’t available, soak a towel and ring out the excess water, placing the towel over the pan  Only if it can be done safely, once covered, slide the pan off the heat source if possible. Don’t attempt if there is a chance the pan could tip Do NOT put water on it, water will create a fire (as seen below)

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June 2015 Call Break down

This month Company 1 responded to a total of 29 calls for service. There were 14 fire/CO alarms, 3 smells of gas/smoke, 1 vehicle rollover, 1 extrication, 4 elevator rescues, 1 mutual aid request for the dive team, 1 mutual aid request for the air boat, 1 HAZMAT call, and we were dispatched to 3 structure fires. 

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Long Day For Company 1

Today Company 1 responded to 3 calls for service, 2 of which were mutual aid. The first call came in at around 6:25 this morning. Company 1’s air boat, Marine 1 was requested to Ramsey to help vent a warehouse. Ramsey FD had extinguished a fire but needed help removing the residual smoke. Marine 1 responded and around 1 hour later returned to quarters after successfully venting the warehouse. The second call came in at around 6:25 that evening. Companies 1, 2, 3, and 4 responded to the KinderCare Learning Center for a fire alarm. As Company 1 was preparing to respond to the alarm, the dive team was requested to Crestwood Lake in Allendale for a missing person. After arriving on scene the dive team was told that a child was missing and was last scene swimming at the lake. The dive team along with Oradell’s dive team began to search

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